Cirugía de Columna y articulaciones

Cirugía de Columna y articulaciones
Cirugía de Columna y Articulaciones

sábado, 31 de mayo de 2014

Diagnosis and Treatment of Plantar Fasciitis

Diagnosis and Treatment of Plantar Fasciitis

Friday, April 18th, 2014
(c) Can Stock Photo
Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common causes of heel pain.
Plantar fasciitis is a common condition involving pain and inflammation of a thick band of tissue, called the plantar fascia.  The plantar fascia is similar to a bow string which runs across the bottom of your foot and connects your heel bone to your toes. Most people experience a sharp, stabbing pain in the heel.  This commonly occurs with the first steps taken out of bed in the morning, or when getting up from a seated position.   When sleeping or sitting, the plantar fascia becomes tight.  Once you are up and walking, the plantar fascia loosens and the pain normally decreases. Plantar fasciitis can develop as a result of increase or change in activity, weight fluctuation, occupations that require walking or standing on hard surfaces, faulty foot mechanics and faulty footwear.  If tension on the plantar fascia becomes too great, it can create small tears in the fascia. Repetitive stretching and tearing can cause the fascia to become irritated or inflamed. Plantar fasciitis is most common in women between the ages of 40 and 60, and typically affects one foot. Ignoring the symptoms of plantar fasciitis may result in chronic heel pain. You may also develop foot, knee, hip or back problems from compensating. Minimally invasive procedures include extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) and radiocoblation (Topaz).   Few people need surgery to detach the plantar fascia from the heel bone. It’s generally an option only when the pain is severe and all else fails. Side effects include a weakening of the arch in your foot.

Physical Therapy Interventions

Physical Therapy is often consulted for patients diagnosed with plantar fasciitis. A good way to think of rehabilitation is in two phases: first, control the symptoms and aggravating factors; second, prevent future re-occurrences. Phase one of physical therapy may include treatments (modalities) such as hot/cold packs, electrical stimulation, or ultrasound; gentle non-weight bearing stretching, and range of motion (ROM) activities. Manual therapy techniques, including joint mobilizations and soft tissue mobilizations are frequently utilized. The Graston Technique, a form of instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization, is a specific type of manual therapy provided by certified Physical Therapists, and is an excellent complement to stretching and strengthening. Education is always provided to prevent daily habits that may be exacerbating symptoms, such as proper footwear and use of ice packs at home. These interventions are all applied with the goal of controlling and eliminating symptoms such as pain and inflammation. Phase two is designed to prevent re-occurrence by eliminating the source of the fasciitis. Many times fasciitis develops due to chronic poor posturing of the foot during weight bearing activities, such as walking. Re-establishing correct foot mechanics, the way in which the foot impacts the floor throughout gait, is critical in preventing future symptoms. Routinely orthotics or proper-fitting shoes are recommended to support unstable (high) arches. Additionally, strengthening and balance training activities are beneficial to ensure proper force transfer through the foot during stance and minimizing stress through the plantar fascia.

Written By:
Dr. Diana Tsombarsis, DPM
Foot Care Centers
Vineland, NJ
Jared C. Mannello, PT, DPT
IvyRehab Director of Rehabilitation
Somers Point, NJ

MicroRNA function and dysregulation in bone tumors: the evidence to date

MicroRNA function and dysregulation in bone tumors: the evidence to date


(1211) Total Article Views

Authors: Nugent M

Published Date January 2014 Volume 2014:6 Pages 15 - 25

Received:28 October 2013
Accepted:02 December 2013
Published:07 January 2014
Mary Nugent

Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Cappagh National Orthopaedic Hospital, Finglas, Dublin, Ireland

Abstract: Micro ribonucleic acids (miRNAs) are small non-coding RNA segments that have a role in the regulation of normal cellular development and proliferation including normal osteogenesis. They exert their effects through inhibition of specific target genes at the post-transcriptional level. Many miRNAs have altered expression levels in cancer (either increased or decreased depending on the specific miRNA). Altered miRNA expression profiles have been identified in several malignancies including primary bone tumors such as osteosarcoma and Ewing's sarcoma. It is thought that they may function as tumor suppressor genes or oncogenes and hence when dysregulated contribute to the initiation and progression of malignancy. miRNAs are also thought to have a role in the development of bone metastases in other malignancies. In addition, evidence increasingly suggests that miRNAs may play a part in determining the response to chemotherapy in the treatment of osteosarcoma. These molecules are readily detectable in tissues, both fresh and formalin fixed paraffin embedded and, more recently, in blood. Although there are fewer published studies regarding circulating miRNA profiles, they appear to reflect changes in tissue expression. Thus miRNAs may serve as potential indicators of disease presence but more importantly, may have a role in disease characterization or as potential therapeutic targets. This review gives a brief overview of miRNA biochemistry and explores the evidence to date implicating these small molecules in the pathogenesis of bone tumors.

Keywords: microRNA, primary bone tumor, osteosarcoma, Ewing's sarcoma, metastases, cancer

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lunes, 26 de mayo de 2014



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Novel scoliosis orthosis may boost compliance
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Mecanismo de rotura del ligamento cruzado anterior en el deporte

Mecanismo de rotura del ligamento cruzado anterior en el deporte

Mecanismo de rotura del ligamento cruzado anterior en el deporte.

XIX Congreso Internacional AMECRA 2014

Falta menos de un mes para iniciar nuestras actividades científicas. No dejes pasar más tiempo, e inscríbete al XIX Congreso Internacional AMECRA 2014.

Falta menos de un mes para iniciar nuestras actividades científicas. No dejes pasar más tiempo, e inscríbete al XIX Congreso Internacional AMECRA 2014.

viernes, 23 de mayo de 2014

Meniscal Allograft Transplantation

Meniscal Allograft Transplantation

Courtesy: Dr Kevin Stone, Knee Surgeon, Stone Clinic, San Francisco, California, USA

Stone Clinic Meniscus Allograft Recommendations

This video goes over some important information about the presentation and preparation of the meniscus allograft, highlighting the essential tissue that must be left on the allograft for a secure attachment inside of the joint.

miércoles, 21 de mayo de 2014

‘Modest’ reduction in embolic debris seen during reaming, nail insertion with RIA / Reducción "modesto" en los residuos de embolia visto durante el fresado, la inserción del clavo con RIA

‘Modest’ reduction in embolic debris seen during reaming, nail insertion with RIA

NUEVA YORK - Los investigadores de un estudio multicéntrico, prospectivo y randomizado presenta aquí que comparó el uso de un escariador estándar con el uso de un dispositivo irrigador - aspirador escariador durante enclavado intramedular de aislado, cerrado fracturas de la diáfisis femoral encontraron una reducción de 1 punto en los émbolos de puntuación total durante el fresado y la inserción del clavo en favor del dispositivo .

"Creemos que hay una reducción modesta en los residuos de embolia durante los segmentos de escariado e inserción del clavo de la intervención quirúrgica con el uso de la fresa irrigador - aspirador , " Emil H. Schemitsch , MD, dijo en la Sociedad Internacional para la Reunión Reparación de Fracturas . " No hemos podido correlacionar los cambios en los fenómenos embólicos con cualquier cambio en los parámetros fisiológicos. La importancia de esta reducción en los residuos de embolia es incierta " .

Schemitsch y sus colegas estudiaron a 22 pacientes que recibieron un clavo intramedular fresado estáticamente bloqueado y fueron asignados al azar a tratamiento con un escariador estándar o un escariador irrigador - aspirador ( RIA ) del dispositivo. Los pacientes fueron seguidos a las 2 semanas , 6 semanas, 3 meses, 6 meses y 12 meses. Los investigadores utilizaron un ecocardiograma transesofágico para determinar la continua restos embólicos en pacientes pre y posoperatoria y durante la reducción , el paso guía hilos , escariado y la inserción del clavo . Cuatro observadores analizaron las grabaciones.

Los investigadores no encontraron diferencias significativas entre los grupos en términos de género , edad, índice de masa corporal o lesión score de gravedad. Aunque los investigadores observaron diferencias significativas en los émbolos puntuación total entre los grupos antes de la cirugía o durante la reducción o pasaje guía hilos, hubo una reducción de 1 punto en la puntuación durante el fresado y clavar a favor del dispositivo RIA . Sin embargo , los investigadores no vieron ninguna diferencia significativa en la puntuación después de la operación .

También fueron capaces de correlacionar la reducción de la puntuación embólico con cualquier mejora en los parámetros fisiológicos estudiados , incluyendo la presión arterial media , final de dióxido de carbono de las mareas, la saturación de oxígeno , pH, paO2 y paCO2 .

Hubo tres complicaciones menores en el grupo de fresa estándar y dos complicaciones menores en la cohorte de RIA , dijo Schemitsch . Hubo dos complicaciones mayores en el grupo de fresa estándar , incluyendo dos pacientes que tenían la intubación prolongada . En el grupo de RIA , un paciente sufrió una fractura de cuello femoral intraoperatoria que requiere la fijación y un paciente tuvo una embolia pulmonar a los 8 días después de la operación . - Por Gina Brockenbrough , MA

NEW YORK — Researchers of a multicenter, prospective randomized study presented here that compared use of a standard reamer to use of a reamer irrigator-aspirator device during intramedullary nailing of isolated, closed femoral shaft fractures found a 1-point reduction in the total emboli score during reaming and nail insertion in favor of the device.
“We feel there is a modest reduction in embolic debris during the reaming and nail insertion segments of the operative procedure with the use of the reamer irrigator-aspirator,” Emil H. Schemitsch, MD, said at the International Society for Fracture Repair Meeting. “We were unable to correlate the changes in embolic events with any change in physiologic parameters. The significance of this reduction in embolic debris is uncertain.”
Schemitsch and colleagues studied 22 patients who received a statically locked reamed intramedullary nail and were randomized to treatment using a standard reamer or a reamer irrigator-aspirator (RIA) device. Patients were followed up at 2 weeks, 6 weeks, 3 months, 6 months and 12 months. The researchers used a continuous transesophageal echocardiogram to determine the embolic debris in patients preoperatively and postoperatively and during the reduction, guide-wire passage, reaming and nail insertion. Four observers analyzed the recordings.
The investigators found no significant differences between the groups in terms of gender, age, body mass index or injury severity score. Although researchers observed no significant differences in the total emboli score between the groups preoperatively or during reduction or guide-wire passage, there was a 1-point reduction in the score during reaming and nailing in favor of the RIA device. However, investigators saw no significant difference in this score postoperatively.
They were also unable to correlate the reduction in embolic score with any improvement in physiologic parameters studied including mean arterial pressure, end tidal carbon dioxide, oxygen saturation, pH, paO2 and paCO2.
There were three minor complications in the standard reamer group and two minor complications in the RIA cohort, Schemitsch said. There were two major complications in the standard reamer group, including two patients who had prolonged intubation. In the RIA group, one patient sustained an intraoperative femoral neck fracture that required fixation and one patient had a pulmonary embolism at 8 days postoperatively.  – by Gina Brockenbrough, MA
Schemitsch EH. Abstract #4. Presented at: International Society for Fracture Repair Meeting; May 14-17, 2014; New York.
Disclosure: The study was funded by an Orthopaedic Trauma Association research grant and the RIA devices were supplied by Synthes.

sábado, 17 de mayo de 2014

Disco intervertebral artificial: Vídeo

Las molestias constantes y la acumulación de pequeñas lesiones en la columna vertebral pueden dañar los discos intervertebrales a largo plazo. Según el alcance, es necesario sustituir el disco intervertebral dañado por uno artificial. El vídeo explica cómo se coloca un disco intervertebral artificial.

Disco intervertebral artificial: Vídeo

viernes, 16 de mayo de 2014

The Targon Femoral Neck hip screw versus cannulated screws for internal fixation of intracapsular fractures of the hip a randomised controlled trial

New study finds no evidence of a clinical difference in the risk of revision surgery between the TFN hip screw and cannulated screw fixation for patients with an intracapsular fracture of the hip‪#‎trauma‬ ‪#‎bonejointj‬
We compared a new fixation system, the Targon Femoral Neck (TFN) hip screw, with the current standard treatment of cannulated screw fixation. This was a single-centre, participant-blinded, randomised controlled trial. Patients aged 65 years and over with either a displaced or undisplaced intracapsul…

jueves, 15 de mayo de 2014

Baseball: The effect of balance on elbow health, is there a relationship? / Béisbol: El efecto de equilibrio en la salud del codo , ¿existe una relación?

Baseball: The effect of balance on elbow health, is there a relationship?

Baseball Players Diagnosed with Ulnar Collateral Ligament Tears Demonstrate Decreased Balance Compared to Healthy Controls. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy 10-2013.  J. Craig Garrison, Amanda Arnold, Michael J. Macko, John E. Conway
The ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) is commonly injured in many baseball players, and is the ligament repaired during Tommy John surgery.  Sadly, many of the ballplayers receiving the surgery are under the age of 20.  There are manymyths regarding the effects of Tommy John surgery, and due to its high success rate it has lead many players and parents to ignore the warning signs associated with the pathology.  Dr. James Andrews is at the forefront of sports medicine surgery and research, he is steadfast in promoting prevention of UCL tears, not surgical intervention for improved performance.  There are many contributing factors to arm and elbow health, this study focused on single leg balance and its relationship with UCL injuries.
Béisbol: El efecto de equilibrio en la salud del codo , ¿existe una relación?
Jugadores de béisbol Diagnosticados con desgarros del ligamento colateral cubital Demostrar Equilibrio disminuido en comparación con los controles sanos . Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy 10-2013 . J. Craig Garrison, Amanda Arnold, Michael J. Macko , John E. Conway
El ligamento colateral cubital (UCL ) se lesiona en muchos jugadores de béisbol, y es el ligamento reparado durante la cirugía Tommy John . Lamentablemente, muchos de los peloteros que recibieron la cirugía son menores de 20 . Hay manymyths con respecto a los efectos de la cirugía Tommy John , y debido a su alta tasa de éxito que ha llevado a muchos jugadores y padres de ignorar los signos de advertencia relacionados con la patología . Dr. James Andrews está a la vanguardia de la cirugía de la medicina deportiva y la investigación, que se mantiene firme en la promoción de la prevención de las lágrimas UCL , no de intervención quirúrgica para mejorar el rendimiento . Hay muchos factores que contribuyen al brazo y el codo de la salud, este estudio se centró en el equilibrio con una sola pierna y su relación con las lesiones de la UCL .
Study: 30 baseball players diagnosed with a UCL tear compared to 30 healthy controls of similar age and competition level.  Subjects were tested on the Y Balance Test for both the stance and landing leg of the pitching motion.  The Y Balance Test has been found to be both reliable and valid in its prediction for injury risk in the athletic population.  The authors found that players with UCL tears had significantly lower Y balance scores than the healthy controls, and concluded that poor balance can be included as a risk factor for possible UCL injury.
Clinical Application: This study provides support to consider the inclusion of single leg balance, stability and strength measurements in baseball pre-season physicals, and physical therapy clinical evaluations for baseball players presenting with medial elbow pain.  Additionally,  the study strengthens the notion to include single leg exercises in any baseball training or rehab program, preferably ones that mimic a throwing motion in both static and dynamic environments.  The task of throwing a baseball takes place in sequential single leg stances, so it stands to reason that balance and single leg strength should help stabilize the throwing motion.